New VFP Chapters Announced!

August 28, 2015

Please welcome Chapter 175 - The Casey Sheehan - Tomas Young Chapter. #175 is located in Janesville, WI on the South Central Wisconsin Stateline. As one of their first official actions, #175 was a sponsor of the Wisconsin Peace Walk, from Madison to Volk Field (around 90 miles), to protest the training of drone pilots at the facility. Watch the video here. You can e-mail the chapter contact, Norman Aulabaugh at nra@ticon.netto learn more or get involved with the chapter.

We would also like to announce and welcome Chapter 176 - Tijuana, Mexico. #176 is made up of U.S deported veterans currently residing in Tijuana. The chapter was approved by the board at the 2015 national convention. Following the convention, VFP members crossed the border to welcome the new chapter and participate in workshop to learn about the issues of deported veterans and how VFP can move forward legislative initiatives to help them.  #176 is closing tied to the Deported Veterans Support House.
