True Costs of War: Civilian & Military Deaths

Arlington Memorial Displays

'Arlington Memorial' displays are an ongoing project of Veterans for Peace. Arlington West began in Santa Barbara, CA when VFP members began every week setting up crosses for each of the US military killed in the Iraq war. Their purpose is t o remember the fallen and wounded, to provide a place to grieve, to acknowledge the human cost of war, to encourage dialogue among people with varied points of view and to educate the public about the needs of those returning from war. Arlington displays are now regularly created by VFP chapters across the country.

Civilian and Military Deaths in Major U.S. Conflicts

This is a selection of major wars in which U.S. military members were killed. It is not by any means a listing of all the places the U.S. military has invaded. For that information, consult the links in the sidebar.

WarU.S. Military Deaths Civilian Deaths
Revolutionary 1775-81
1812 2,260 unavailable
Mexican War 1846-48
13,283 900
Civil War 1861-65
620,000 50,000
Spanish-American 1898
2,446 unavailable
Philippines 1900-02
4,234 200,000
Boxer Rebellion (China) 1899-1901
21 20,000
WWI 1917-18
116,516 8,000,000
Haiti 1918-20 13 3,000
Russian Civil War 1917-22 572 9,000,000
Nicaragua 1926-33 136 unavailable
WWII 1941-45
405,399 36,372,900
Korean 1950-52
54,246 1,847,240
Vietnam/Indochina 1963-75
Dominican Republic 1965 26 2,500
Grenada 1983
19 104
Panama 1987
23 1,000
Persian Gulf 1991
383 5,000
Afghanistan 2001 -
Iraq 2003 -
4,484 1,500,000


Sources: Historical Atlas of the 20th Century; Zoltan Grossman, Ph.D, The Evergreen State College; 180 Landings of the U.S. Marines
