Bellingham, WA – On Monday, August 4th at 7:00 PM, the Bellingham City Council will vote on a resolution introduced by members of Bellingham’s Veterans For Peace (VFP) opposing the ongoing violence in Gaza and the targeting of innocent civilian.
Last Tuesday City Councilman Terry Bornemann confirmed that the controversial Resolution Opposing the Violence in Gaza and the Targeting of Civilians will be on the agenda of the Council meeting scheduled for August 4. Veterans and associates of the CPL Jonathan Santos Memorial Chapter 111 introduced the resolution to the city council, and a visibly moved, standing room only crowd on Monday, July 21.
Alarmed by the disproportionate killing of Palestinian civilians, local VFP members spoke during the public comment period in support of a cessation of hostilities in Palestine and Israel. To stress the severity of this issue members concluded by reading the names and ages of 90 dead Palestinian children killed by bombs this week in Gaza. The resolution, also endorsed by Whatcom Peace & Justice Center, encourages all parties in the assault on Gaza to search for a nonviolent path to peace and urges the government of Israel and Hamas to refrain from targeting innocent civilian.
VFP-111 and WPJC organizers also endorse this Thursday’s National Day of Action for Congressional Action on behalf of Gaza, supporting an immediate ceasefire with negotiations as the only way out of this devastating humanitarian crisis. Resource links to get involved include CODEPINK and Peace Action.
July 23, 2014
Gene Marx, Veterans For Peace coordinator, 253-653-4423
Janet Marino, Whatcom Peace & Justice Center Executive Director 360-734-0217