Northern Cal Regional Conference Report

March 14, 2013

nocalconf1_0313_compressed.jpgOn Saturday, March 2, VFP Executive Director Mike Reid and VFP National Board President, Patrick McCann addressed members on various organizational matters, including Associate representation on the National Board. There was also an open and frank discussion about the relationship between the national office and local VFP chapters.

Chapter Reports were followed by information from Paul Cox regarding the struggles Chapter 69 (San Francisco) is having securing more space in their Veterans Building. Other members expressed their struggles with fair and equitable usage of their respective Veteran buildings. Fredy Champagne reported that VFP’s “Golden Rule” project is 80% near completion and that they are seeking $10,000 to be able to launch the boat by early August.

Gerry Condon gave a report on recent developments in the Bradley Manning trial, Jeffery Bentworth spoke on current events in Palestine, and Eduardo Cohen spoke about the Israeli propaganda program
Afterwards, the floor was opened for anyone who wanted to speak on any topic they wish.

Sunday Morning closed out the conference with VFP member’s marching through Ukiah to the cemeterynocalconf_0313_compressed.jpg to commemorate the wartime deaths of civilian populations. In a moving ceremony ashes of a recently deceased member were spread under a beautiful sequoia during a moving ceremony.

Category: Staff