Seattle Chapter 92-Armistice Day

November 15, 2016

On Veterans Day, members of Veterans For Peace marched to City Hall in support of Councilmember Kshama Sawant's bill to BUILD 1,000 AFFORDABLE HOMES for low income workers and the homeless, including veterans.

Since veteran homelessness is about 30% of the homeless population, this would be a great help to our veteran brothers and sisters in need of a roof over their head that they can afford. Addressing the homelessness crisis in Seattle is one way we can honor veterans in this year’s budget. One mission of Veterans For Peace is "to seek justice for veterans and the victims of war". We will deliver a letter to each council member urging them to support this amendment to the 2017 budget.

Check out the video!

Also check out the video from the Armistice Day ceremony!
