VFP Korea and VFP Chapter 099 at Jeju Island Peace museum in South Korea

November 08, 2013

Recently, co-founders of NC chapter 099 of Veterans For Peace, Ken Ashe and Tim Pluta, joined hands with Korean Veterans For Peace on Jeju Island, South Korea in front of the April 3rd Peace Museum.

This was arranged when Ken, my son Tim, and I went to Gangjeong Village to support the resistance to the building of the US backed naval base on the "island of peace".

Now available (although it is a challenge to obtain it since the current conservative government does not want to disseminate the information) is a book that is fairly well translated into English by the Jeju April 3 Peace Foundation.

The National Committee for the Investigation of the Truth about the Jeju April 3 Incident conducted in-person interviews, reviewed available records and put together what appears to be a non-biased look at some of the actions that took place during the massacre of between 20,000-60,000 inhabitants of the island in the late 1940's, leaving any judgments to the readers.
At 750+ pages, with no table of contents, the book is a bear to wade through. It does however, make available an account of this atrocity and bears witness to many pieces of the total costs of war.
Contact information for the committee regarding ordering books can be found at the following website:
If you have any difficulties or would like assistance from this end, I currently live in South Korea and would be glad to assist you in any way that I am able.
Peace and best regards,

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