Office Blog

September 18, 2012

I am still experiencing re-entry after another week spent with many of you at the annual VFP Convention in Miami where we were honored to hear and to be lifted by the prophetic voices of Alice Walker and Roy Bourgeois. Now, it is time for me to come back to Earth, to get back to my responsibilities at my VFP desk … dialing phone numbers, leaving messages and when the timing is good, hearing your stories.

At the VFP banquet Ms. Walker wondered aloud about those veterans who had been compelled to commit and/or witness horrible acts against other humans and as a consequence are now comitting suicide at unprecedented rates. “What if I remained human having done unhuman things … what if I still had a conscience?” She reminded us that only after learning about the horror suffered at Nagasaki and Hiroshima was revolutionary Peace Veteran Howard Zinn prompted to see clearly the inhumane acts in which he had participated. Ms. Walker concluded, addressing the troubled veteran, “Stay with us … wait till dawn, and read Howard Zinn.” I would add … read Howard Zinn's life as well as his books. Be a Peace Veteran.

VFP Member Kris Kristoferson asks “Why me Lord? What have I ever done, to deserve even one, of the treasures I've known?” Near the top of my list of Blessings, I place my professional association with Veterans For Peace and my personal relationships with so many of you. I will be calling on YOU, soon. In the meantime, “Stay with us.” Call me … I can be reached at 512-629-3812.

Category: Doug