National Strategic Planning: A Progress Brief to Membership

August 01, 2012

For the past several months the Veterans For Peace Board of Directors has been developing a strategic plan to help focus our efforts and resources as an organization. We set out to develop a plan that will allow VFP to pursue the prevention and end of war while at the same time confront current crises like the war in Afghanistan.

We want to be clear to you that the Board does not see it as our role to direct the work of our members. But we do have a responsibility to focus the resources and efforts as an organization to support the work members have undertaken. This plan is an attempt to support work across the organization.

The Board believes most members would agree that the abolishment of war is the organization’s grand vision or its over-arching mission. So this is our starting point. From there we looked at the wide-ranging work of our members and chapters in an effort to identify where we as an organization are most effective.

Click here to read the full brief

Category: Actions