Office Blog

December 04, 2012

Christmas is one of my favorite times of the year. It is all but unbelievable for me that industrial capitalism would celebrate a Holiday signifying the birth of a baby whose parents could provide no better place than an animal's stable for a delivery room.

I love this Holiday because I go about talking about this myth in a way that Texans have not heard. “Really, I ask? Are we really expecting that the most important person born on this planet on Dec 31, 2012 will be born to a hungry single Mother on the streets of East St Louis, Detroit or West Oakland?” Hmmm. It is one of those teaching moment. The compassionate vision of an Important Child born into such circumstances opens hearts and makes the work I do for VFP all the more enjoyable.

So, Beloveds, over the next few weeks - between now and mid-February - I will be making hundreds if not thousand of phone calls to Veterans For Peace Members. I will be asking some of you to renew their Memberships, others to convert your Annual Memberships to a Recurring Donor schedule (Monthly or Quarterly).

In this way we wrap up our loose ends and prepare for another year at the barricades. I will also take the opportunity, when you are willing, to hear about your personal miltary histories and the Stories that brought you to VFP and made you a Peace Veteran.

Category: Doug