Help VFP Open the Door For the Younger Vet

June 05, 2014

Dear Brothers and Sisters,

At the VFP National Board meeting this past April, we opened the doors wide for younger veterans who may not have the means, to join VFP, come to the Convention in Asheville and have a powerful voice within this respected veterans’ organization.

Many of us are Vietnam-era veterans or earlier, and while we do not intend to give up the struggle for human rights and peace, we realize that soon the torch of leadership must be passed to a new vibrant and strong generation.

We have waived the annual convention fee for the first three years for post-9/11 veterans and for some cases of Desert Storm vets if they apply.

We are empowering these younger veterans to have their own Afghanistan/Iraq Veterans Caucus with the intention of giving them the power to recommend and carry out new programs in accordance with VFP's Statement of Purpose. The caucus will additionally be empowered to address concerns specific to veterans from this era.

The VFP Convention in Asheville, North Carolina, will also feature a full plenary consisting of a panel of younger veterans addressing the issues and concerns we all face but especially focusing on the concerns and challenges of post-9/11 veterans.

We are committed to make an effort to help those who need assistance with transportation and lodging. Thanks to the generosity of many of our members we are now able to help a good number of these younger vets.

Here’s where we need your help in getting the word out.It is only if we get the word out, that the initiative will bring the results we want. If you know, and most of us do, younger veterans who would be interested in becoming an active and vital part of VFP, who want to make the world a better, more peaceful place, please help us get the word out to these folks. You can call them or forward this by e-mail – or even better, do both. Personal contact from another veteran who’s been through the ropes means a lot.

To attend the convention and/or apply for travel assistance, ask them to use our online application forms.

The deadline for applying for travel and/or housing assistance is June 30. We are quite good about getting back to them within a few days.

Again, we cannot do this without your help.

At this time in human history the challenges have never been greater. Our very existence as a species, along with many others is at risk because of an elite ruling class that values profit and power over life.

Veterans of the U.S. occupations of Iraq and Afghanistan, working together with veterans of previous unjust wars, can make a powerful difference in supporting an end to war, GI resistance, the struggle for human rights and justice for the planet and all living beings.

Please reach out to any younger vets you know to make them aware of this opportunity.

Thanks. We do believe we can count on members like you.

P.S. From Margaret Stevens, member VFP National Board, Post 9/11 veteran:

“We as VFP must open our arms to those countless veterans returning home from Iraq and Afghanistan who are seeking peace if even in the smallest most personal ways. We must let them know that their peace of mind . . . is part of the reason we fight relentlessly for peace and justice.”

Tarak Kauff
Board of Directors
Veterans For Peace
Chair, VFP Membership Committee

Ben Griffin
Founder VFP UK
VFP Membership Committee

Barry Ladendorf
VFP Board of Directors
VFP Membership Committee
Chair, VFP Development Committee

Gene Marx
Former member VFP Board of Directors
VFP Membership Committee

Ellen Davidson
Associate Member
VFP Membership Committee

Casey Stinemetz
National Staff/Associate Member
VFP Membership Committee

Nate Goldshlag
Former member VFP Board of Directors
VFP Membership Committee
